Things to see and do
About Fraser Island

Beach and Rock Fishing
Fishing is a popular pastime so ensure you pack your beach rod. There is over 150km of beach on the eastern and western sides of the island to fish. You can fish the gutters up and down the beach or try other popular spots such as Sandy Cape, Waddy Point, Indian Head. Fish include Tailor, Whiting, Trevally, Flathead, Bream, Trevally. Tailor fishing season runs from June to October when the massive schools of Tailor spawn in the beach waves. Mud and sand crabs can be caught on the western side of Island.
You can gather your own bait off the beach where pippies and sand worms are abundant.

Champagne Pools
Take the children for a dip at Champagne Pools. These naturally formed volcanic rock recreational pools make this a popular salt water swimming destination for the whole family. The Champagne pools are situated between Indian Head and Waddy Point. There are timber walking tracks and steps for easy access.

Lakes and Creeks

The Island has huge sand blows and sandhills for children (of all ages) to climb and then slide or toboggan down.

Walking Tracks
For the energetic there are a number of walking tracks around the lakes and through the forests. The “Fraser Island Great Walk” is a 5-6 day 80klm walk which starts at Happy Valley and finish at Dili Village. Track details are available from epa.

Exploring by 4WD
The Island has many kilometers of 4WD tracks to be explored and many wonderfully places to visit.

Dingoes are a common sight on Fraser Island and are the purest strain in Australia. Remember they are wild animal and can be dangerous when provoked. It is illegal to feed them and penalties apply.

Bird Watching
Fraser Island is a bird watchers paradise with many native and migratory birds